Live by design, not default.
Welcome to your new community.
Online, and in person.
Take control of your life.
We're in need of help.
We’re no longer starved for information, food, or opportunities; instead, we’re drowning in them. Overwhelmed, we disconnect from ourselves and let life pass us by.Distracted, we forget to live our own lives.
Exhausted, we aren't able to notice we're barely living.
Unguided, we defer to following what others do and go with the flow.We battle against billions of pounds invested into telling us that we are not enough. That we need to buy more. Rather than filling a vacuum, we create one.Then there's technology, we plug in to keep up.
Out of touch with our bodies and minds.
We long for childlike health, easy movement, nourishment, rest.
But we lack the tools to achieve it.Before we let more of life drift by, we need to take control of it, we need to be present, we need to live by design, not default.
About humans BEING
humans, BEING was built out of necessity.After suffering from a Traumatic Brain Injury. I spent 6 years recovering. Learning all I could to fight the fatigue, amnesia, and focus issues that came with it.When i finally felt I'd stopped climbing and reached my plateau: I looked around me to see people, friends, colleagues, etc. actually falling the other way.There're many ways you can become unwell, unhealthy: dis-eased. It's largely a lack of effort or attention.Looking across 10 tenants of health and wellbeing, we'll identify areas of strength, growth and redesign.You won't go it alone.Whilst each member will have their own goals, challenges and abilities, the local network of other human BEINGs will ensure you win together, and make new friends along the way.
What's included?
I provide a mixture of in-person and digital coaching to help you identify areas of development. We'll set goals and strategise ways to minimise any hurdles you encounter along the way.
What's included?
Most people can improve their diet. Likely quite a lot. We'll redesign your week, and I'll share videos, links and group lessons that will give you the tools to understand the biology behind food, cooking and planning.
What's included?
Exercise is one of the greatest habits to improve health, in any or many of its forms. Through group classes, individual plans and lessons/advice, we'll make exercise fun, exciting and continually achievable.
What's included?
As well as a traditional 1-1 approach. hB is a community that will prevent you making the same mistakes as your peers.We'll do this by sharing and learning together as you progress.
What's included?
I've spent a decade learning about and experimenting with the limits the body can endure. Following my MScs in Nutrition and Psychology, I'm here to share the headlines through 1-1, group and webinar sessions.
What's included?
Ongoing support
My full time role will be in supporting you (and other hBs) in progressing. Unlike. You can contact me, or the network any time. I'll be available to book calls and ask questions, with a <24 hour reply guarantee.
Find us.
humans BEING is based in Putney.
We'll be training in Wandsworth Park every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 7.10 -7.50am
We're looking for local people in their mid-twenties to mid-thirties who are looking to do that work.If any of these sound like you:
-Want to eat healthy and remain wealthy-Like to get trim, not just about gym-Crave the ‘team’ that comes with team sport-Lack the time for both fitness and socialising-Tired of the ‘same old’
Then this is your community.
Take control.
Drop me an email below to learn more.